#GYM104745A. Saving the cinema

Saving the cinema



Those who are not familiar with movies often confuse the Star Wars and Star Trek sagas, which is offensive because Star Wars is widely superior. Esomer is tired of these offenses, so he wants to create a program that, given a character, responds whether it belongs to the Star Wars saga or the Star Trek saga. Unfortunately, he is not very good at programming, so he needs your help.

The input will consist of a single string $s$, which will be one of the following three options (without quotes): "Yoda", "Spock", or "Frodo".

In the case that $s$ is "Yoda", you should print: "Pertenece a Star Wars.".

In the case that $s$ is "Spock", you should print: "Pertenece a Star Trek.".

In the case that $s$ is "Frodo", you should print: "No pertenece ni a Star Wars ni a Star Trek.".

All of them without quotes.


The input will consist of a single string $s$, which will be one of the following three options (without quotes): "Yoda", "Spock", or "Frodo".


In the case that $s$ is "Yoda", you should print: "Pertenece a Star Wars.".

In the case that $s$ is "Spock", you should print: "Pertenece a Star Trek.".

In the case that $s$ is "Frodo", you should print: "No pertenece ni a Star Wars ni a Star Trek.".

All of them without quotes.

Pertenece a Star Trek.
Pertenece a Star Wars.
No pertenece ni a Star Wars ni a Star Trek.


Problem idea: Esomer

Problem preparation: Esomer

Occurrences: Novice 1, Advanced 1